Monday, August 31, 2015

Folded Paper

1. The way in which I used the drawing tools to describe the FORM (3D quality) of the subject is by making the further point of the paper more blurry edges and also the closer the subject the more detail there is in the paper. I also used a lot of shading to show what sides hit the light and which ones were in the shadows .  I also added the shadow of the object underneath it to give it a 3D look.
2. The placement of the drawing poorly shows my understanding of paper placement. I did not really plan out where I would put the drawing. I just started drawing. This is why there is a big blank space above it and also why the shadow goes off the paper.
3. I believe that my drawing does show a creative and personal technique. I use a lot of shading to describe objects and make them look realistic. I also was able to use my type of crisp lines to make it appear clean and crisp.